A Journey Through Life


Photo : Soeren E.Alwan, Horsens Folkeblad

Autobiography by Claus Hede Nielsen

Love, business and Rock’n’Roll

A book or film, fiction is seldom more exciting than a true story, when it involves love, business and Rock’n’Roll. Through in a lioness, a marriage to a croupier, an International film star, a kidnapping and a few sticks of dynamite …. add a spoonful of humour …. You’r just about there !
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About the author

Daily Mail, United Kingdom – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6965307/Railway-Children-star-Sally-Thomsett-said-remarry.html?fbclid=IwAR1-g1UwcB9no45hdHyaU7tMoxaGdMNgN41edWebnKW4qREI_6IrKzsAWQg
Horsens Folkeblad, Denmark – https://hsfo.dk/artikel/i-hansted-beh%C3%B8ver-de-ikke-frygte-for-l%C3%B8sg%C3%A5ende-l%C3%B8ver-claus-hede-nielsen-f%C3%A5r-n%C3%A6ppe-en-ny?code=NjMyYWE2YzItNjRkNy00YzQ0LWFhNTYtYzQ1Y2Y5Y2JjMzY5
B.T., Denmark – https://www.bt.dk/samfund/claus-scorede-kendt-skuespillerinde-i-80erne-pludselig-spoegte-fortiden?fbclid=IwAR1FEzYw3RXsQRMDBcfUtG-Iz_u_-6F7OqaV18EiJW5ouS1I4RWAhvFNcLQ

Other sites of Claus Hede Nielsen

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/claus.hedenielsen.1
Linked In – https://www.linkedin.com/in/claus-hede-nielsen-b1729883/?originalSubdomain=dk
You can contact me at claus@ajourneythroughmylife.com